Frauncis Petrarch (Trans. Eirik Steinhoff)

OUT OF PRINT. Albion Book #3, published in spring of 2009 in an edition of 35 numbered copies, of which the first 15 are signed by the translator. Covers are offcuts with an interesting story*; text paper is salvaged from Logos Graphics. The end papers are pretty louche:

The title page is derived from a scan of a Renaissance edition of Petrarch’s sonnets:

*The covers of Rime Sparse began their lives intended as covers for Beverly Dahlen’s chapbook, A Letter at Easter, published in 1976 by Effie’s Press. It turned out that of the 500 copies printed by Bonnie Carpenter, at least 100 ended up sitting in Beverly’s basement. In spring of 2009 a group of Bay Area poets got together to sew up as many could be salvaged from water damage; the covers that couldn’t be used came to me to be cut down for Petrarch!

Each chapbook came with a three-color broadside, designed and typeset by Eirik Steinhoff and printed by Albion Books: